Digital display

John Meschberger shows a Wrightson Ridge student the moon's path in real time as telescope shows the image on a digital display.

No one told John Meschberger he could be a rocket scientist when he was growing up, so now he's made it his personal mission to let Sahuarita students know they can with hands-on science lessons.

On April 8, Meschberger set up several telescopes at Wrightson Ridge School during the partial eclipse. Wearing a lab coat with a solar flare print, Meschberger made his way up and down the basketball court, giving tips, facts and examples, but most of all, sharing his love of science.


John Meschberger helps Michelle Roosma as she uses solar glasses to look at the partial eclipse April 8.


A parent volunteer uses her fingers to cast crescent shadows on Wrightson Ridge's basketball court during a partial eclipse.

Jorge Encinas | 520-547-9732

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